Does The Tao System Work? - Tao of Badass Review

I just wanted to write this article to share my taughts on the Tao of Badass by Josh Pellicer and if it actually works.

First of all there is a lot of talk about The Tao of Badass and a lot of success stories too.

So does the Tao of Badass Work?

Well I just want to share my story from using the tao of badass and you can then decide if you want to purchase it or not.

I was in a 3 year relationship with a girl that I loved and it ended because I was too much of a nice guy and I have to admit I gave her way too much attention than she needed.

A long story short, he ended up cheating on me for other guys. It really messed me up and because of that I stopped going out and meeting other girls.

After about a year of sitting at home on the weekends I finally decided to go out and try meet a girl but I always ended up going home alone.

I barely had the confidence to talk to a strange girl at a bar or club, even if she showed interest in me.

All I wanted was to be able to interact with girls in some way but my confidence was so low that it felt like I had no hope of getting anywhere with them.

A few weeks passed and all I wanted was to get her back. It was like she was the only girl I ever wanted and I would never settle to date another girl again.

I tried to figure out how to get her back so I went online and stumbled upon the PUA Industry and found about about the book "The Game" by Neil Strauss.

I ended up purchasing the book, read it a couple of times.

I even went on to some of the PUA forums and began asking tons of questions trying to get as much information so that I could at least stand a chance of getting my ex girlfriend back.

Gradually my comfidence improved after reading a ton of pua stuff. Everything from Tyler Durdan from RSD, Mystery Method,Keisa Noble (Female Pickup Artist), Gambler from PUA Training.

I stayed awake late reading tons of articles, blog posts and ebooks on approaching and attract hot girls and getting dates.

I definitely learned a lot but still didn't help me out the way I expected.

Then one day there was a lot of hype about the Tao of Badass by Josh Pellicer and I wanted to find out more about it.

So I went on Youtube and all I found was a bunch of people saying how amazing it was, basically saying anythign and eveything about it.

I thought it was too good to be true so I decided to buy it and compared to a lot of other pick up products you find on the internet it really just got straight to the point. There was no mumbo jumo kinda crap.

What I mean is it didn't make things more complicated than they need to be, which is what a lot of these programs need to be doing.

For example, if a woman flicks her hair to the side and you might take that as an indicator of interest when really she 's just moving her hair away from her face.

Alot of these books take it way too far in my opinion and give way too much information than most people want to know about.

But when I read the Tao of Badass it really cut's straight the point of the material in what you really need to know.

After just a short while of reading The Tao System your confidence levels will increase whereas a lot of these other pick up programs will tell you to use the 3 second rule and walk up to a girl and say whatever is on your mind.

The Tao of Badass is very easy to understand and read in one sitting and it will slowly increase your confidence levels.

It's not like you will be throwing yourself into the deep end, you will know exactly where your confidence levels are and work yourself up from there.

So lets say you are afraid to even walk up and talk to a girl, the Tao of Badass will teach you basic stuff like walk past a girl with a smile on your face.

The next stage you will pass a girl on the street and say hello to her and keep walking.

I know that this might sound stupid to most people but there are people that do have issues saying hi to girls or might have really bad approach anxiety like I use to have.

And if only I had of known that and I had the Tao of Badass to go by I would have saved myself a lot of time on trying out things that never worked.

You don't have to be good looking to attract girls

Another thing that a lot of guys think is that you have to be really good looking to attract girls. This is a complete lie. It really comes down to how your present yourself to the girl that makes you stand out and be more attractive.

All you really have to do is make sure that you are dressed well, shower everyday so you smell good, your clothes fit your properly.

Little things like this will make a huge difference and will help your chances of getting girls.

Another thing I liked about the Tao of Badass is that Josh really focuses on you having a long term relationship with a girl instead of what all these other guides teach you that is really just products about sleeping with tons of women.

The Tao of Badass doesn't claim that any of this is going to happen and I guess you can look at it as a positive or negative but he is definitely been real and honest about it.

You can keep reading a ton of material online about how to attract girls and get dates, unless you get out there and start doing stuff you will never succeed.

Click Here To Get up to 20% off the Tao of Badass if you buy through this link.

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